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Welcome to the Bennett Family Home Page

We live in the New Forest, in Hampshire, England. This site concentrates on our hobbies and interests - including tin collecting, and the Trocadero of the 1890's. The story of how we got into both these is on the related pages which you can access from the links below. We'll also upload family trees and such - if your search has brought you here because you're looking for 'Bennett's' or other relatives, we hope we're able to help. If we are please can you let us know, as it all further our knowledge!

You can reach our pages about collecting tins, and specifically Bluebird Toffee and Royal theme tins, by clicking here:

We're also interested in The Trocadero, the former London restaurant, and you can find out more about that here:

We get a lot of mail about our family, and if you want to find out a bit more about our roots, click here:

If you would like to contact us, please feel free to drop a line. (You'll need to substitute the word 'at' with a '@' symbol on the actual mail address.) :

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